Inspired by visits the artists made pre-COVID-19 to the Old Stone House garden in summer and fall of 2019, these large collaborative pieces represent Haskell, Kopf and Dalrymple’s first time merging their signature styles together to make a new body of work.
They engage with the life cycles of growth and death in urban nature. The work is meant to encourage a deeper understanding of specific plant life in the OSH garden and celebrate the beauty of the cyclical quality of nature as a source of comfort and rejuvenation in the midst of a global pandemic.

Left to Right:
Nature Contained #4 (2020)
Watercolor, acrylic, duralar and ink on paper, 13” x 26”, $300
Nature Contained #2 (2020)
Acrylic, watercolor, duralar and ink on paper, 22” x 33”, $600
Nature Contained #1 (2020)
Watercolor, duralar and ink on paper, 22” x 34”, $600
Nature Contained #5 (2020)
Watercolor, acrylic, duralar and ink on paper, 11” x 24”, Sold

Nature Contained #6 (2020)
Oil, watercolor, duralar and ink on paper, 24” x 30”, $600

Nature Contained #3 (2020)
Oil, watercolor, duralar and ink on paper, 24” x 30”, $600

Nature Contained #7 (2020)
Oil, ink, and duralar on paper, 20” x 20”, $600